Porsche Community: ma seconde famillie by Michel Artéro
Read moreCopy NR. 1998
The legendary 2.7 Carrera RS has been treated at length and in depth in this volume. This is the second and revised edition in which a chapter has been devoted to the 916. If the Porsche 916 would have gone into production the legendary RS 2.7 would never ever have existed.
Apart from the detailed descriptions there is a wealth of period pictures on the RS. As well the RSH, as the lightweight and the touring versions. The racing history which made the RS into the RSR and world known because of outright wins in races such as the 24 H of Daytona, 12 H of Sebring, Targa Florio etc… At the end of the book every chassis number has been listed with its build specifications.
This is a must for the real Porsche enthusiast as well as an amusing read for every other car enthusiast.